Channel Modes

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Channel Mode Mode Description
v <nickname> Gives voice to <nickname>, allowing them to speak while the channel is +m.
h <nickname> Gives halfop status to <nickname> (requires the customprefix module).
o <nickname> Gives op status to <nickname>.
a <nickname> Gives protected status to <nickname>, preventing them from being kicked (+q only, requires the customprefix module).
q <nickname> Gives owner status to <nickname>, preventing them from being kicked (Services or +q only, requires the customprefix module).
b <hostmask> Bans <hostmask> from the channel.
e <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from bans (requires the banexception module).
I <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from +i, allowing matching users to join while the channel is invite-only (requires the inviteexception module).
c Blocks messages that contain formatting codes (requires the blockcolor module).
d Blocks messages to a channel from new users until they have been in the channel for
f [*]<lines>:<sec> Kicks on text flood equal to or above the specified rate. With *, the user is banned (requires the messageflood module).
g <mask> Blocks messages matching the given glob mask (requires the chanfilter module).
i Makes the channel invite-only. Users can only join if an operator uses /INVITE to invite them.
j <joins>:<sec> Limits joins to the specified rate (requires the joinflood module).
k <key> Set the channel key (password) to <key>.
l <limit> Set the maximum allowed users to <limit>.
m Enable moderation. Only users with +v, +h, or +o can speak.
n Blocks users who are not members of the channel from messaging it.
p Make channel private, hiding it in users' whoises and replacing it with * in /LIST.
r Marks the channel as registered with Services (requires the services account module).
s Make channel secret, hiding it in users' whoises and /LIST.
t Prevents users without +h or +o from changing the topic.
u Makes the channel an auditorium; normal users only see themselves or themselves and the operators, while operators see all the users (requires the auditorium module).
w <flag>:<banmask> Adds basic channel access controls of <flag> to <banmask>, via the +w listmode. For example, +w o:R:Brain will op anyone identified to the account 'Brain' on join. (requires the autoop module)
z Blocks non-TLS (SSL) clients from joining the channel (requires the sslmodes module).
A Allows anyone to invite users to the channel (normally only chanops can invite, requires the allowinvite module).
B Blocks messages with too many capital letters, as determined by the network configuration (requires the blockcaps module).
C Blocks any CTCPs to the channel (requires the noctcp module).
D Delays join messages from users until they message the channel (requires the delayjoin module).
F <changes>:<sec> Blocks nick changes when they equal or exceed the specified rate (requires the nickflood module).
G Censors messages to the channel based on the network configuration (requires the censor module).
H <num>:<duration> Displays the last <num> lines of chat to joining users. <duration> is the maximum time to keep lines in the history buffer (requires the chanhistory module).
J <seconds> Prevents rejoin after kick for the specified number of seconds. This prevents auto-rejoin (requires the kicknorejoin module).
K Blocks /KNOCK on the channel (requires the knock module).
L <channel> If the channel reaches its limit set by +l, redirect users to <channel> (requires the redirect module).
M Blocks unregistered users from speaking (requires the services account module).
N Prevents users on the channel from changing nick (requires the nonicks module).
O Channel is server operators only (can only be set by server operators, requires the operchans module).
P Makes the channel permanent; Bans, invites, the topic, modes, and such will not be lost when it empties (can only be set by server operators, requires the permchannels module).
Q Only U-lined servers and their users can kick (requires the nokicks module).
R Blocks unregistered users from joining (requires the services account module).
S Strips formatting codes from messages to the channel (requires the stripcolor module).
T Blocks /NOTICEs to the channel from users who are not at least halfop (requires the nonotice module).
X <type>:<status> Makes users of <status> or higher exempt to the specified restriction <type>. For example: flood:h (requires the exemptchanops module).

Possible restriction types to exempt with +X are:

anticaps Channel mode +B
auditorium-see Permission required to see the full user list of a +u channel (requires the auditorium module).
auditorium-vis Permission required to be visible in a +u channel (requires the auditorium module).
blockcaps Channel mode +B
blockcolor Channel mode +c
censor Channel mode +G
filter Channel mode +g
flood Channel mode +f
nickflood Channel mode +F
noctcp Channel mode +C
nonick Channel mode +N
nonotice Channel mode +T
regmoderated Channel mode +M
repeat Channel mode +E
stripcolor Channel mode +S
topiclock Channel mode +t


E [~|*]<lines>:<sec>[:<difference>][:<backlog>]

Allows blocking of similar messages (requires the repeat module). Kicks as default, blocks with ~ and bans with * The last two parameters are optional.

NOTE: A large number of these modes are dependent upon server-side modules being loaded by a server/network administrator. The actual modes available on your network may be very different to this list. Please consult your help channel if you have any questions.